Ending Your Sponsorship

Cancelling Your Sponsorship

To cancel your sponsorship, you will need to email support@safinternational.org. Once done, a member of our support team will process your request and you will receive an email notification.

Please note: If you would like to take a break from sponsoring a child, there is an option to pause your account until further notice. This way you will not lose your sponsored children. To pause or resume your sponsorship, please email support@safinternational.org.

Pausing Your Sponsorship

Pausing your account will stop all recurring payments until you choose to resume them. This will stop you from losing your sponsored children if you need to take a break from sponsoring for whatever reason.

To pause and resume your sponsorship, you will need to email support@safinternational.org. Once done, a member of our support team will process your request.

Sponsorship Cancelled by SAF International

If your sponsorship has been cancelled by us, it will be because we were unable to process a payment. If for whatever reason payment fails, we will notify you via email and will attempt to call you to get updated information.

If we fail to hear from you and are unable to get new payment details to process the payment after repeated attempts, we will terminate your account. When this happens, your child sponsorship ends and the child you sponsored would become eligible for sponsorship by somebody else. To ensure this does not happen, please keep your details up to date. You can edit your payment information from within your donor portal. 

Unfortunately we cannot restart a sponsorship once it has been cancelled. If you wish to become a sponsor again,  you would need to begin a brand new sponsorship. Additionally, there is no guarantee that you would be able to sponsor the same child as before.

For any questions on this matter, please email support@safinternational.org.

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